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Soluster is a complete team of sales, marketing, consultants and technicians, specialized in the fields of Corporate Governance. We are expert in IT Governance, Project Portfolio Management, Strategy Execution Management and Data Management.

We help our clients define and improve their business processes, enhance their information assets and help them find the right tools to do this.

Project management is our DNA. Over the past 20 years, the team has successfully developed, promoted, implemented and supported leading-edge project management solutions. We have implemented tools and methods in more than 200 companies, ranging from the smallest SMEs to Fortune 100 companies.

As part of our ongoing support for our clients in Corporate Governance, we help them to meet the challenge of Data Governance. With simple, innovative and proven technical solutions based on your Metadata model, we implement the tools and methods to enhance your information assets and put an end to infobesity and Data Lake.

We are able to offer you credible, unique and pragmatic approaches to move your business forward.  We do not claim to have the best solutions, but we can assure you that we will have the right solutions for you and your company!

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1209 Geneva
Switzerland » title= »Where to Find Us » telephone= »+41 22 55 22 230″ email= »info@soluster.com » www= »www.soluster.com »][/vc_column][vc_column width= »2/3″][vc_column_text]
